"Man Convicted of 'Eco-Terrorism' Freed Amid Claims FBI Hid Evidence"

"Eric McDavid sentenced to nearly 20 years in 2007 for conspiring to bomb one or more targets including electric power stations and cellphone towers"

"Eric McDavid, who the US government has considered an eco-terrorist since 2007, was released on Thursday night after a judge determined that important documents related to his case had been filed away in an FBI office.

The government handed over thousands of pages of documents – including love notes from from McDavid to an informant – as part of a trial this week in Sacramento, California.

'I’ve never heard or seen of anything like this,' said US district judge Morrison England, the same man who sentenced McDavid in 2007. England ordered McDavid be released and asked to be given information showing how such evidence was hidden."

Amanda Holpuch reports for the Guardian January 9, 2015.

Source: Guardian, 01/12/2015