"More Heat Plus More People Equals Deadlier U.S. Summers"

"A new study shows more Americans will suffer the consequences of extreme heat."

"The recent heat waves that have scorched Europe, India and Pakistan have served as vivid reminders of the deadliness of heat. Thousands have died so far, and summer has only just begun.

The health toll of heat, unfortunately, is only going to get worse in the United States as well, because not only is climate change bringing more heat, but urbanization is also putting more people in the hottest places, according to a recent study in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change.

The number of Americans exposed to extreme heat could quadruple by 2070, according to study authored by researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the City University of New York."

David Hasemyer reports for InsideClimate News July 8, 2015.

Source: InsideClimate News, 07/10/2015