"Northwest States Declare War on Wild Pigs"

"When a bunch of wild pigs showed up around C.J. Strike in 2009, Idaho wildlife officials began to sweat."

"They knew that nationally these feral mammals were a costly invasive species seeding weeds, spreading disease and causing massive erosion from their rooting and grubbing behavior. The estimate of the damage is $1.4 billion nationally that includes depredations on lambs, calves, fawns and birds.

Now Idaho, Oregon and Washington Invasive have launched a 'Squeal on Pigs' campaign. The three states hope to raise awareness about feral swine, stop their expansion and enlisting private landowners in the effort to establish baseline population estimates and distribution."

Rocky Barker reports for the Idaho Statesman July 23, 2012.

Source: McClatchy, 07/25/2012