"Obama Promises To Protect Science Research From Partisan Politics"

"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama promised on Monday to ensure that scientific research is insulated from partisan politics, as government-funded projects come under attack from Republicans in Congress."

"He made his remarks at the National Academy of Sciences, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary.

'I will keep working to make sure that our scientific research does not fall victim to political maneuvers or agendas that in some ways would impact on the integrity of the scientific process. That's what’s going to maintain our standards of scientific excellence for years to come.'

The president's remarks are particularly timely, coming as the chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), pushes a bill that would essentially politicize decisions made by the National Science Foundation."

Amanda Terkel reports for the Huffington Post April 29, 2013.


"Lamar Smith, GOP Push Politicization Of Scientific Research" (Huffington Post)

"Obama Vows To Uphold Funding, 'Integrity' of Review Process Against 'Political Maneuvers'" (Greenwire)

"Obama: Sequester Could Cost U.S. Up To Two Years of Scientific Research" (Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal)

"Obama: Sequester Could Ground Scientific Research for Several Years" (UPI)

"U.S. Lawmaker Proposes New Criteria for Choosing NSF Grants" (Science)

Source: Huffington Post, 04/30/2013