"Pandemic: Interior Reluctant To Share Coronavirus Details"

"Some federal agencies post daily information about the number of workers who have tested positive for the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, but the Interior Department so far has declined to provide departmentwide details on how the pandemic has affected its 70,000 employees.

'The Department continues to follow the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's] guidance for risk assessment and management of reported positive cases of COVID-19 and for disease prevention and protection of public spaces and workplaces,' Interior said in a statement today.

Interior added that 'the Department follows proper public health procedures, such as contact tracing, office and building cleaning, required periods of self-isolation for affected employees, and other public health measures, to contain and prevent exposure to the public or our employees.'"

Michael Doyle reports for Greenwire April 14, 2020.

Source: Greenwire, 04/15/2020