"Tepco Spots Possible Nuclear Fuel Debris At Japan's Fukushima Reactor"

"Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), the operator of Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant, said on Monday it may have found nuclear fuel debris below the damaged No. 2 reactor, one of three that had meltdowns in the 2011 disaster.

Should the finding be confirmed, it would mark a significant breakthrough in attempts to clean up the nuclear plant, after years of delays, missteps and leaks of radioactive water.

Finding the highly radioactive melted uranium rods may pave the way for Tepco to develop methods to remove the melted fuel.

Tepco detected a black lump of material directly below the reactor in an inspection by camera on Monday and could not rule out the possibility it was melted fuel, an official told a news briefing."

Yuka Obayashi, Makiko Yamazaki, Chris Gallagher, and Aaron Sheldrick report for Reuters January 30, 2017.

Source: Reuters, 01/31/2017