"Trump's Plan To Kill Energy Star Could Benefit His Properties"

"Energy Star is best known for labels that tell you how much you'll pay on your utility bill if you buy a new refrigerator or television. But it also has ratings for hotels, condominiums and office buildings.

Trump's properties tend to receive low Energy Star ratings. The most recent scores from 2015 reveal that 11 of his 15 skyscrapers in New York, Chicago and San Francisco are less energy efficient than most comparable buildings. On a scale of 1 to 100 for energy efficiency, Manhattan's old Mayfair Hotel, which Trump converted into condos, rated a 1.

But none of this could matter if the administration has its way. It has proposed cutting all funding to the Energy Star Program, run by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Energy Star's impending fate exemplifies how the President's actions can benefit his own businesses."

Ciara Bri'd Frisbie and Alice Kantor report for CNN April 26, 2017.


"Energy Star Program For Homes And Appliances Is On Trump's Chopping Block" (NPR)

Source: CNN, 04/27/2017