US Report: Climate Impacts Require Quick Action

"The Obama administration's top climate change scientists will unveil a report on Tuesday that details the impact of global warming on the United States and argues for fast action against it.

The report by the U.S. Global Climate Research Program is billed as 'a comprehensive scientific report on current and pending impacts of global climate change in the United States, and why it is important to act now, rather than later, to minimize those impacts.'

Rather than a simple release on paper or online, the report is being released at a news conference by John Holdren, who heads President Barack Obama's Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Jane Lubchenco, who heads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, among others.

The report's conclusions are expected to be in line with the administration's support for a market-based 'cap and trade' system to limit emissions of the climate-warming gas carbon dioxide, which is emitted by coal-fired power plants, fossil-fueled vehicles and other industrial and natural sources."

Deborah Zabarenko reports for Reuters June 15, 2009.

See Also:

"Government Study Warns of Climate Change Effects" (New York Times)

"Obama Targets US Public With Call for Climate Action" (UK Guardian)

Source: Reuters, 06/16/2009