"Why Solar and Wind Are Thriving Despite Cheap Fossil Fuels"

"Low oil prices are rattling stock markets, but investors remain bullish on solar, wind, and other clean energy. Here are three reasons why."

"The prolonged plunge in fossil fuel prices is rippling across the globe. Yet it’s barely put a dent in the booming market for clean energy, heralding perhaps a new era for wind and solar.

Oil prices of less than $30 a barrel—the lowest in 12 years—have shaken stock markets and ravaged the budgets of major producers such as Russia and Saudi Arabia. Along with falling gas prices, they’ve slashed the profits of fossil fuel companies, which are delaying dozens of big projects worth an estimated $380 billion and laying off thousands of workers.

In Texas, home to shale-rich oil deposits, once-crowded trailer parks that housed workers are now largely empty."

Wendy Koch reports for National Geographic January 22, 2016.


"Clean Energy Defies Fossil Fuel Price Crash To Attract Record $329Bn Global Investment In 2015" (Bloomberg New Energy Finance)

"Why Clean Energy Is Now Expanding Even When Fossil Fuels Are Cheap" (Washington Post)

Source: National Geographic, 01/22/2016