"World Falling Behind 2020 Plan for Nature Protection: UN"

"OSLO --  Governments are failing to meet goals to protect animals and plants set out in a biodiversity plan for 2020 that also aims to increase food supplies and slow climate change, a U.N. report showed on Monday.

Many rare species face a mounting risk of extinction, forests are being cleared by farmers at an alarming rate, and pollution and over-fishing are continuing despite the U.N. push agreed in 2010 to reverse harmful trends for nature.

'There has been an increase in effort (by governments) ... but this will not be enough to reach the targets,' Braulio de Souza Dias, executive secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), told Reuters, citing a progress report."

Alister Doyle reports for Reuters October 6, 2014.

Source: Reuters, 10/07/2014