"Drought, Hurricane Bigger Threat to World’s Top Companies"

"Drought, hurricanes and rising seas are becoming more significant threats to the world’s biggest companies and the risk is accelerating, according to the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Companies planning for various threats related to climate change say they’re grappling now with about 45 percent of the potential risks, or will be within five years, according to a report issued today by the London-based non-profit group. That’s up from 2011, when members of the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index expected 26 percent of the potential risks to affect them within five years.

The results show that climate change is having a measurable impact on business operations, and that many companies expect it to increase costs or hinder sales."

Justin Doom reports for Bloomberg News May 16, 2014.


"Climate Change Will Hit Nations' Creditworthiness -- S&P" (Reuters)

Source: Bloomberg BNA, 05/19/2014