SEJ President's Report

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SEJ President's Report is the column of the current president of the SEJ Board of Directors, focusing on insights about the profession of environmental journalism, and providing updates about the organization's vision and practices. For questions and comments, email SEJ President Luke Runyon.


September 1, 2015

  • Society of Environmental Journalists’ founder Jim Detjen and I were sitting together at an SEJ gathering not long ago wondering about the size of the collective readership/viewer/listenership of all of SEJ’s members. In essence, what is our potential reach? We calculated that it must be in the tens of millions. That’s power to help set the national dialogue and, in many cases, the global dialogue. Read more from SEJ President Jeff Burnside.

June 1, 2015

  • Busy people know how to get things done. So, when I suggest that you consider running for a seat on the board of directors of the Society of Environmental Journalists, your first reaction (“I’m far too busy!”) can be quickly countered: Busy people are known for managing their time. Read more from SEJ President Jeff Burnside.

March 1, 2015

  • In this excerpt from the latest issue of SEJournal, SEJ president Jeff Burnside reflects on the power and value of SEJ members, shares stats that'll make you proud and offers easy ways for you to help grow our membership — win-win all around.

October 15, 2014

  • In this last column of his SEJ presidency, Don Hopey addresses the environment beat's necessity and SEJ’s role in it by focusing on two events, one just past, the other approaching quickly.

July 15, 2014

April 15, 2014

  • People care about the information they get. But the public isn’t getting what it needs from federal and state agencies where, during crisis events and day-to-day operations, agencies work harder at controlling the information that reaches the public than they do at gathering and making it available. Read more from SEJ President Don Hopey.

January 15, 2014

  • SEJ President Don Hopey, after seeing the movie “Gravity,” likened reporters to astronauts in the film – out there all alone, a journalistic generation lost in space. But we are doing good work – both on our jobs and in our organization.

October 15, 2013

  • SEJ President Don Hopey reminds us it’s good to remember that environmental journalism can play an important role in digging out the information an increasingly distracted public needs to make tough policy decisions about their environment and health.

July 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

  • SEJ President Don Hopey passes along some results from SEJ’s fall 2012 member survey, and also an update on the board’s just-launched review of our organization’s programs and services, an effort we are calling, not without some hope (or is it hype?) — “SEJ 3.0.”
