"Appropriations: House Mulls Enviro Amendments, Avoids Monuments Fight"

"The House is set to vote on dozens of energy and environment amendments to a massive spending package before the end of the week, but lawmakers will avoid wading into the controversy over the administration's review of national monuments.

The House Rules Committee met for a second day yesterday and paved the way for the chamber to consider 224 more amendments to an eight-bill omnibus that covers U.S. EPA, and the departments of the Interior, Commerce, Labor and Justice (E&E Daily, Sept. 5). In all, the House will process more than 300 proposals.

As has become custom, Democrats moved to strip the spending package of Republican policy riders, and GOP members are pushing to scrap remnants of President Obama's environmental legacy. But now that President Trump has been in office for more than six months, both sides are also targeting aspects of his agenda."

George Cahlink, Kellie Lunney, and Ariel Wittenberg report for E&E Daily September 7, 2017.

Source: E&E Daily, 09/08/2017