"Battle Over Science Roils EPA"

"Environmental Protection Agency is battling its own board of science advisers over its controversial plan to dismiss certain types of scientific research from consideration when issuing rules.

A meeting this week between the agency and some of the nation’s top scientists highlighted the growing rift between the EPA and the scientific community, with members of the Science Advisory Board (SAB) pushing back on the administration's efforts to bar consideration of studies that don't make their underlying data public.

Critics say the move would omit important research from EPA consideration and lead to a dramatic rollback of existing regulations."

Rebecca Beitsch reports for The Hill June 9, 2019.


"EPA Advisory Panel To Review 'Secret Science' Plan" (E&E News PM)

"EPA Panel Balks At Scope Of Wheeler's 'Secret Science' Review" (Greenwire)


Source: The Hill, 06/10/2019