"Candidates warn of ‘irreparable damage’ in marathon town hall but can’t agree on how aggressively to tackle problem"
"Democrats vying for president revealed a fundamental split over how aggressively the US should tackle climate change in a seven-hour town hall meeting on Wednesday.
Bernie Sanders painted an apocalyptic future wreaked by the climate crisis and pledged to wage war on the fossil fuel industry. A high-energy Elizabeth Warren urged optimism for building a better America and the former vice-president Joe Biden, who has a pitched a more moderate proposal, said he would push other nations to recommit to stronger action.
Sanders said without radical change the world will be uninhabitable. “The damage to the world will be irreparable,” the Vermont senator said, adding that he is proposing “the largest, most comprehensive climate plan presented by any presidential candidate in the history of the United States”."
Emily Holden and Oliver Milman report for the Guardian September 5, 2019.
"7 Takeaways From Democrats' Climate Marathon" (ClimateWire)
"Democrats Say Their Climate Plans Will Create Jobs. It’s Not So Simple." (New York Times)
"Democrats Seize On Climate As 2020 Primary Weapon" (Politico)
"Climate Town Hall: Several Democratic Candidates Embrace a Carbon Tax" (New York Times)
"5 Takeaways From the Democrats’ Climate Town Hall" (New York Times)