"Enviros Sue To Stop 'Unreasonably Narrow' Trump Wetland Rule"

"Environmental groups launched their legal assault on the Trump administration's Clean Water Act rule today, filing a lawsuit that claims it would have 'devastating consequences on water quality across the country.'

The groups are challenging EPA's Navigable Waters Protection Rule. Finalized last week, it seeks to define what wetlands and streams qualify for protection under the Clean Water Act.

EPA's regulation significantly narrows the law's reach compared with the previous rule from the Obama administration. Up to half of the country's wetlands would lose federal protections, as would 18% of streams.

The groups said the Trump rule relies on an "unreasonably narrow interpretation" of the law and comes after the Clean Water Act has achieved major results in cleaning up the country's waterways since it was enacted in 1972."

Jeremy P. Jacobs reports for Greenwire April 29, 2020.

Source: Greenwire, 04/30/2020