Staking Out Battle Lines, House Votes to Keep US in Paris Climate Pact

"WASHINGTON — The House passed a bill on Thursday that would block President Trump from abandoning the Paris Agreement on climate change and require his administration to devise a plan to cut America’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The measure, which passed 231-190, was the first big global warming legislation to win congressional approval in almost 10 years. It stands virtually no chance of approval in the Republican-controlled Senate. But with the vote, Democrats sought to tie Republicans to Mr. Trump, who has said that climate change is a hoax, and isolate them on an issue they believe is resonating strongly with voters.

Three Republicans voted in favor. No Democrats opposed it.

“It is time to end denial about this and start listening to the facts. This is about science, science, science,” the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said before the vote. “We have an imperative to have climate action now.”"

Lisa Friedman reports for the New York Times May 2, 2019.


"House Votes to Block U.S. Exit from Paris Climate Accord, as Both Parties Struggle with Divisions" (InsideClimate News)

"House Lawmakers Pass First Major Climate Bill In Years" (Greenwire)

"House Backs Paris Agreement In First Climate Bill In A Decade" (Reuters)

"House Passes Bill To Force U.S. To Stay In Paris Climate Agreement" (Washington Post)

"McConnell: Senate Won't Take Up Bill Preventing US Withdrawal From Paris Deal" (The Hill)


Source: NY Times, 05/03/2019