Which 2020 Dems Are Powering Their Campaigns On Fossil Fuel Donations?

"Among the vast field of Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination there is a broad acceptance that the climate crisis must be confronted. However, there is a split between those who have signed a pledge to no longer accept money from the oil, gas and coal industry and those who haven't.

Early frontrunner, Joe Biden hasn't signed the pledge but has said he won't take fossil fuel money. In June, Biden released a climate plan that promised action "well beyond" what the Obama administration achieved.

Prior to signing the pledge, nearly all of the 2020 Democratic candidates took money from fossil fuel executives, other employees and via political action committees (Pacs), according to data on donations stretching back to 1989."

Oliver Milman, Sam Morris, and Emily Holden report for the Guardian June 20, 2019.


"Want To Address Climate Change? Fix Campaign Finance First, 2020 Democrats Say." (Washington Post)


Source: Guardian, 06/21/2019