"Air Pollution: White House Signs Off On Final Ozone Rule"

"The White House's regulatory shop has completed its assessment of a hot-button ozone rule, putting EPA on track to issue the final version by tomorrow's [Thursday's] court-ordered deadline.

The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs ended its review of the agency's plan for meeting "good neighbor" requirements for the 2008 ozone standard yesterday, according to a website that tracks federal rulemakings.

That was just a week after the office received it (Greenwire, Nov. 28). Still to be seen is whether that final rule incorporates any changes to address Northeastern states' complaints that a draft version didn't do enough to limit upwind pollution from outside their boundaries that makes it harder to meet the 75-parts-per-billion standard."

Sean Reilly reports for Greenwire December 5, 2018.

Source: Greenwire, 12/06/2018