"AP Fact Check: Most GOP Candidates Flunk Climate Science"

"WASHINGTON — When it comes to climate science, two of the three Democratic presidential candidates are A students, while most of the Republican contenders are flunking, according to a panel of scientists who reviewed candidates' comments.

At the request of The Associated Press, eight climate and biological scientists graded for scientific accuracy what a dozen top candidates said in debates, interviews and tweets, using a 0 to 100 scale.

To try to eliminate possible bias, the candidates' comments were stripped of names and given randomly generated numbers, so the professors would not know who made each statement they were grading. Also, the scientists who did the grading were chosen by professional scientific societies."

Seth Borenstein reports for the Associated Press November 22, 2015.


"First EPA Chief Accuses Republicans of Ignoring Science for Political Gain" (Guardian)

"Climate Change And the Republican Party: 'America Is Not a Planet'" (Guardian)

"Even As Congress Investigates the Global Warming ‘Pause,’ Actual Temperatures Are Surging" (Washington Post)

"Republicans Vow To Deny Obama Climate Funds To Derail Paris Talks" (The Hill)

"Ranking Congresswoman Defends NOAA Scientists From 'Witch Hunt'" (InsideClimate News)

Source: AP, 11/23/2015