"Drugs Found in Lake Michigan, Miles From Sewage Outfalls"

"Prescription drugs are contaminating Lake Michigan two miles from Milwaukee’s sewage outfalls, suggesting that the lake is not diluting the compounds as most scientists expected, according to new research."

"This ability of the drugs to travel and remain at relatively high concentrations means that fish and other aquatic life are exposed, so there could be 'some serious near-shore impacts,' said Rebecca Klaper, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. In addition, Milwaukee draws its drinking water from Lake Michigan, although no pharmaceuticals have been detected in the city’s water. The researchers reported that 14 of the chemicals 'were found to be of medium or high ecological risk,' and that the concentrations “indicate a significant threat to the health of the Great Lakes.' Nevertheless, it is not clear what, if any, effects the drugs are having on fish and other creatures in Lake Michigan."

Brian Bienkowski reports for Environmental Health News September 5, 2013.

Source: EHN, 09/05/2013