"Enviros Aim To 'Boot' Scott Pruitt Over 'Wasteful Spending' at EPA

"Environmental groups on Wednesday started a campaign to oust Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, citing what they say is his propensity for “spending lavishly on himself.”

The Sierra Club and National Resources Defense Council are among 10 groups aiming to unseat Pruitt, seeking to bring attention to recent revelations about his spending on first-class travel and personal security on foreign flights.

On Wednesday night, the campaign plans to project a message onto the EPA headquarters building in Washington calling for Pruitt to step down. "

Josh Siegel reports for the Washington Examiner March 28, 2018.


Video of projection onto EPA building (Robin Bell)

"Background" (#bootpruitt campaign)

"Pruitt Foes Buy Ad Time During Trump's Favorite TV Shows" (Greenwire)

"EPA Chief Fires Back On Flight Costs As #Bootpruitt Campaign Revs Up" (Washington Post)

"Nation’s Leading Enviro Groups Want Trump to “Boot Pruitt”" (Sierra)

"Scott Pruitt’s “Dirty Dealings” Stir a Campaign to Oust Him From the EPA" (Mother Jones)

"Environmental Groups Launch Ads On Fox & Friends To 'Boot Pruitt'" (ABC News)

Source: Washington Examiner, 03/29/2018