"EPA: Pruitt's Youth Advisers Slam Federal Inaction On Climate"

"U.S. EPA's youngest social justice advisers are hammering the federal government for its lack of action on climate change.

In a draft report — prepared for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and other agency officials — a group of outside advisers calls on the Trump administration to take action on climate change and offers tips on how to engage young Americans on the issue.

"Despite the urgency of climate change, political will at the national level has lagged behind or been outright captured by the powerful interests opposed to bold and just solutions offered by young people, desperate to defend their future rights to a clean and healthy planet," wrote the Youth Perspectives on Climate Change Work Group.

The report is an uncommon example of an EPA-requested document talking about climate change in an administration peppered with officials who question mainstream climate science. EPA has cut mentions of the largely man-made driven phenomenon from its website and is in the process of unraveling regulations meant to control greenhouse gas emissions."

Niina Heikkinen reports for ClimateWire March 12, 2018.

Source: ClimateWire, 03/13/2018