"Global Warming And The 'Green Rush.'"

"Climate change and cannabis: Experts warn potency and potential for habitat disruption may increase along with CO2 and temperatures"

"Global warming may give a minor twist to that classic hippie bumper sticker that quips "Acid rain: Too bad it's not as much fun as it sounds." Turns out a warming climate could boost the medicinal and psychoactive properties of plants including cannabis.

But that’s not all: Climate change will also open up higher elevations to growing weed clandestinely on public lands, a practice that’s putting increased strain on fragile ecosystems. Some say relaxed marijuana laws exacerbate the problem by bringing in more growers; others argue increased regulation and oversight will eventually lead to more responsible growing practices.

One prominent researcher who specializes in weed migration patterns in the face of climate change said marijuana grown outdoors will likely become stronger and require less water to thrive."

Dan Sullivan reports for The Daily Climate May 13, 2015.


"Native Medicinal Plants And Global Warming" (The Daily Climate)

Source: Daily Climate, 05/13/2015