"House Agriculture Panel Threatens California Animal Safety Laws"

"WASHINGTON -- Taking aim at California's pioneering efforts to bolster animal safety, the House Agriculture Committee has moved to block states from imposing their own standards for agriculture products on producers from other states."

"That could jeopardize California laws to protect chickens as well as one to ban foie gras, which took effect this month.

The panel's amendment to the farm bill was a response to a California law, which will take effect in 2015, that requires that all eggs sold in the state be produced by hens held in cages big enough to allow the chickens to stand and spread their wings. The amendment, if it becomes law, would prevent the state from applying this standard to eggs from other states."

Kim Geiger reports for the Los Angeles Times July 13, 2012.


"Farm Bill Would Replace Dairy Subsidies With Insurance" (Los Angeles Times)

"Split Among House Republicans Over How Deeply to Cut May Delay Farm Bill" (New York Times)

"Boehner Says No Decision on Farm-Bill House Action" (AP)

Source: LA Times, 07/13/2012