"How Dangerous Is the Lead in Bullets?"

"The most ubiquitous danger at firing ranges has a lot to do with bullets but nothing to do with getting shot."

"It's all in the lead. A recent report from the National Academy of Sciences found that OSHA lead exposure standards are too lax to protect military firing range employees. Repeated exposure to the toxic metal causes a raft of health problems including brain damage, high blood pressure, and anemia.

Lead is found in bullets as well as the explosive that ignites gunpowder. When a bullet is fired, it gets so hot that that lead actually vaporizes. Firing range employees breathe in the lead fumes, as well as ingest lead dust that settles on their body and clothes. OSHA sets the permissible level of atmospheric lead at 50 micrograms/meter2, but the report found that level frequently exceeded at military firing ranges, sometimes by several orders of magnitude."

Sarah Zhang reports for Mother Jones January 3, 2013.

Source: Mother Jones, 01/07/2013