Pruitt's $4.6 Million Security Spend Included “Tactical” Pants, Polos

"Scandal-plagued Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has now spent more than $4.6 million from public coffers on security, according to documents obtained by The Intercept and documented under the Freedom of Information Act. The amount represents a $1.1 million increase from Pruitt’s total security costs as released in another disclosure just a month ago.

Pruitt’s high spending on security has become the subject of mounting criticism and a host of official investigations: Several EPA inspector general investigations have been opened, as well as an ongoing investigation by the Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee.

Records released under the Freedom of Information Act list expenditures totaling $288,610 on a range of security-related items. The EPA, according to three expense line items for April, spent a total of $2,749.62 on “tactical pants” and “tactical polos.”"

Lee Fang and Nick Surgey report for the Intercept June 20, 2018.


"EPA: Ex-Lobbyist Pitched Climate Briefing, German Food for Pruitt" (ClimateWire)


Source: The Intercept, 06/22/2018