"Report: Oil Line Makes Nearly 400 Michigan Water Crossings"

"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — An oil pipeline that runs through the area where Lakes Huron and Michigan meet also crosses other Michigan waterways at nearly 400 locations, dozens of which are considered particularly sensitive, a report disclosed Friday.

Enbridge Inc., the Canadian company that owns Line 5, listed the water crossings in one of three reports submitted to the state under a 2017 agreement with Gov. Rick Snyder, whose administration is expected to determine the pipeline’s long-term future by October. Environmental groups want it decommissioned, contending the 65-year-old line is outdated and vulnerable to leaks, while the company says it’s in good shape.

A report earlier this month outlined several options for the nearly 5-mile-long section beneath the Straits of Mackinac, including placing the pipeline in a tunnel or trench."

John Flesher reports for the Associated Press June 29, 2018.


"Report: Tunnel, Trench Offer Options For Replacing Pipeline" (AP)


Source: AP, 07/02/2018