"Sierra Club To Engage in Civil Disobedience for First Time"

"How hot is the controversial Keystone Pipeline controversy getting? The Sierra Club is — for the first time in its history — going to engage in civil disobedience on Feb. 17 in Washington, D.C., which is also a day that greenies predict will be 'the largest climate rally in history.'"

"With Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman approving the pipeline's route through his state Tuesday, Sierra Club President Michael Brune hopped onto Facebook to announce that the San Francisco-headquartered Club is 'for the first time in our 120-year history….be engaging in peaceful civil disobedience to help stop the dirty and destructive Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. We're all in!'"

Joe Gaarofoli reports for the San Francisco Chronicle's Politics blog January 22, 2013.


"Even the Sierra Club Gets Disobedient Over Keystone XL " (Salon)

"Sierra Club Canada to Review Ban on Civil Disobedience, With B.C. Pipelines in Mind"" (Vancouver Sun)

"From Walden to the White House" (Sierra Club/Michael Brune)

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 01/24/2013