Environmental Politics

Unlike Trump, Americans Want Strong Environmental Regulator - Poll

"More than 60 percent of Americans would like to see the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's powers preserved or strengthened under incoming President Donald Trump, and the drilling of oil on public lands to hold steady or drop, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 01/17/2017

"Republican Who Led EPA Urges Confronting Trump on Climate"

"William K. Reilly, who was head of the Environmental Protection Agency under President George H.W. Bush, is blunt in his assessment of the climate change deniers and anti-regulatory hawks who have been nominated to fill many of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s top environmental posts. Reilly, a Republican, looks with special alarm upon Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, nominated to run the EPA."

Source: YaleE360, 01/17/2017

Wyoming Bill Would Prevent Utilities From Using Clean Energy

"While many U.S. states have mandates and incentives to get more of their electricity from renewable energy, Republican legislators in Wyoming are proposing to cut the state off from its most abundant, clean resource—wind—and ensuring its continued dependence on coal."

Source: InsideClimate News, 01/16/2017

Scott Pruitt, Trump’s EPA Pick, Backed Industry Donors Over Regulators

"A legal fight to clean up tons of chicken manure fouling the waters of Oklahoma’s bucolic northeastern corner — much of it from neighboring Arkansas — was in full swing six years ago when the conservative lawyer Scott Pruitt took office as Oklahoma’s attorney general. His response: Put on the brakes."

Source: NY Times, 01/16/2017

Scientists Say Cost of Global Warming Is Underestimated

"How we view the costs of future climate change, and more importantly how we quantify them, may soon be changing. A much-anticipated new report, just released by the National Academy of Sciences, recommends major updates to a federal metric known as the “social cost of carbon” —  and its suggestions could help address a growing scientific concern that we’re underestimating the damages global warming will cause."

Source: Wash Post, 01/13/2017

"New Pipeline Protest Models Itself On Dakota Access Fight"

"A new front has opened in the fight against the developer of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The battleground this time is rural west Texas, where a small, yet intense opposition to building the Trans-Pecos Pipeline has gained force in recent days."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/13/2017


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