"A federal judge yesterday [Wednesday] blocked a key federal approval process that allowed Keystone XL and other pipelines to cross waterways, just as developers are beginning construction on the controversial oil project.
Chief Judge Brian Morris for the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana sent the Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 12 back to the agency for further Endangered Species Act consultation. While Morris' order stems from a lawsuit over Keystone XL, the impact of his decision may extend beyond the project as the Army Corps has used the permit to approve water crossings by other pipelines.
'The Court vacates NWP 12 pending completion of the consultation process,' Morris, an Obama appointee, wrote in his decision. 'The Court further enjoins the Corps from authorizing any dredge or fill activities under NWP 12.'"
Niina H. Farah and Pamela King report for Energywire April 16, 2020.
"Major Blow To Keystone XL Pipeline As Judge Revokes Key Permit" (Guardian)