"After Boost From Perry, Backers Got Huge Gas Deal In Ukraine"

"KYIV, Ukraine — Two political supporters of U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry secured a potentially lucrative oil and gas exploration deal from the Ukrainian government soon after Perry proposed one of the men as an adviser to the country’s new president.

Perry’s efforts to influence Ukraine’s energy policy came earlier this year, just as President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s new government was seeking military aid from the United States to defend against Russian aggression and allies of President Donald Trump were ramping up efforts to get the Ukrainians to investigate his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

Ukraine awarded the contract to Perry’s supporters little more than a month after the U.S. energy secretary attended Zelenskiy’s May inauguration. In a meeting during that trip, Perry handed the new president a list of people he recommended as energy advisers. One of the four names was his longtime political backer Michael Bleyzer."

Desmond Butler, Michael Biesecker, Stephen Braun, and Richard Lardner report for the Associated Press November 11, 2019.


"What Rick Perry Was Doing In Ukraine" (Houston Chronicle)

"Perry on Ukraine Efforts: ‘There Was No Quid Pro Quo’" (Politico)

"Two of U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry's Political Supporters Won "Potentially Lucrative" Ukraine Energy Deal, Report Says" (Texas Tribune)

Source: AP, 11/12/2019