"GOP Takes Aim At Reforming Endangered Species Act"

"Congressional Republicans launched efforts Wednesday aimed at reforming the Endangered Species Act to make it more friendly for states, landowners, industry and others.

The debates in the House and Senate were on bills with specific, limited purposes, not the full-scale comprehensive reforms that Republicans and some industries have been craving.

Nonetheless, the GOP made it clear that they want to make significant changes to the law that they see as outdated, ineffective and unnecessarily costly for states and land users.

Democrats, meanwhile, see the proposals as significant threats to a bedrock environmental law and a handout to industries, including oil and natural gas."

Timothy Cama reports for The Hill July 19, 2017.


"Endangered Species: FWS Backs Contentious Republican Reform Package" (Greenwire)

Source: The Hill, 07/20/2017