New IPCC Report: Massive Change For World’s Oceans And Frozen Regions

"Growing coastal flooding is inevitable, and damage to corals and other marine life has already been unleashed. But scientists say the world still has time to avert even more severe consequences."

"Climate change is already causing staggering impacts on the oceans and ice-filled regions that encompass 80 percent of the Earth, and future damage from rising seas and melting glaciers is now all but certain, according to a sobering new report from the United Nations.

The warming climate is already killing coral reefs, supercharging monster storms, and fueling deadly marine heat waves and record losses of sea ice. And Wednesday’s report on the world’s oceans, glaciers, polar regions and ice sheets finds that such effects only foreshadow a more catastrophic future as long as greenhouse gas emissions remain unchecked.

Given current emissions levels, a number of serious impacts are essentially unavoidable, says the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Extreme floods that have historically struck some coastal cities and small island nations once every 100 years will become an annual occurrence by 2050, according to the IPCC. In addition, if emissions continue to increase, global sea levels could rise by more than three feet by the end of this century — around 12 percent higher than the group estimated as recently as 2013. Melting glaciers could harm water supplies, and warming oceans could wreck marine fisheries."

Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis report for the Washington Post September 25, 2019.


"Explainer: If Emissions Keep On Rising, What Happens To Oceans, Glaciers And Ice Caps?" (Reuters)

"Oceans And Ice Are Absorbing The Brunt Of Climate Change" (National Geographic)

"Islands Could Become Uninhabitable As The Ocean Warms At An Alarming Rate, Report Says" (BuzzFeed News)

"Earth's Oceans Are Getting Hotter And Higher, And It's Accelerating" (NPR)

Source: Washington Post, 09/25/2019