Poisoned By Their Homes: How The US Is Failing Children Exposed To Lead

"Hundreds of thousands of children in the US remain at risk of exposure to lead, which causes cognitive and behavioral deficits

Antoinette Catholdi-Dow, a 30-year-old mother of two, first started noticing little bite marks on the window sills in 2015, when her son was about two and a half years old.

The window sills were the perfect height to help her toddler pull himself up to stand and walk. Eventually, Catholdi-Dow would enter the room and catch her son nibbling along their edges."

Anna Almendrala reports for the Guardian June 26, 2019.


"Is Modern Life Poisoning Me? I Took The Tests To Find Out" (Guardian)

"What Banned Substances Might Be Hiding In Your Groceries?" (Guardian)

"US Cosmetics Are Full Of Chemicals Banned By Europe – Why?" (Guardian)

Toxic America series page (Guardian)


Source: Guardian, 06/27/2019