"Reflections on the Killing of Chico Mendes 25 Years Ago"

"It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 25 years since a cattle rancher ordered his son to shoot Chico Mendes, a rubber tapper and unionist who had become an effective international campaigner for sustainable use of the Amazon rain forest."

"I spent the year following Mendes’s assassination piecing together “The Burning Season,” my book on his life, death and influence. But I haven’t been back to that corner of the Amazon since the trial of his murderers in 1990. The Guardian has published an excellent article assessing his legacy. Linda Rabben, an anthropologist and activist focused on human rights and the environment, is the lead organizer of a conference on Mendes and grassroots environmentalism next spring."

Andrew C. Revkin reports for Dot Earth December 22, 2012.


"Brazil Salutes Chico Mendes 25 Years After His Murder" (Guardian)

Source: Dot Earth, 12/26/2013