Report Details How Exxon Sowed Seeds Of Doubt On Climate Change

"Two days before ExxonMobil goes to court Wednesday, facing New York state accusations the oil company misled investors about climate change, a team of researchers released a report Monday outlining the company and the broader fossil fuel industry’s decades-long campaign of deception, and its success at confusing the American public.

The report, which was published by scientists at Harvard, George Mason and Bristol universities, draws parallels between the campaigns launched by tobacco companies and oil industries to mislead the public about their products, both with a goal of delaying government policies and regulations that could cut into their profits.

Revelations about ExxonMobil’s campaign came from 2015 news reports in the Los Angeles Times and Inside Climate News, and studies previous to the one Monday have documented its efforts to manipulate public opinion."

Susanne Rust reports for the Los Angeles Times October 21, 2019.


"New York Sues Exxon Mobil, Saying It Deceived Shareholders on Climate Change
Image" (New York Times)

"Exxon and Oil Sands Go on Trial in New York Climate Fraud Case" (InsideClimate News)

Source: LA Times, 10/22/2019