"Shell Greenwashing Challenge Highlights Risk of ESG Claims"

"Lawyers warn that pressure is mounting on companies to “walk the walk” on sustainability commitments and investing, in order to stay on top of a growing trend of greenwashing accusations from environmental groups and investors.

Greenwashing challenges in courts and at the SEC continue to pour in from advocates and investors targeting what they claim are false representations of corporate commitments to environmentalism and climate-friendly practices. Environmental, social, and governance, or ESG, issues are becoming an integral part of the legal trend.

Shell Plc was accused this month of misrepresenting its renewable energy investment claims in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Climate and ESG Task Force. The company says it’s “confident” that its “financial disclosures are fully compliant with all SEC and other reporting requirements,” according to a spokesperson."

Jennifer Hijazi reports for Bloomberg Environment February 16, 2023.

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/17/2023