"Tea Party Patriots Criticize 'Monsanto Protection Act'"

"The so-called 'Monsanto Protection Act,' a controversial provision protecting the biotech giant from litigation, has found an unusual critic in the tea party."

"The provision, Section 735, was slipped anonymously into the Senate version of the continuing resolution as part of the Agricultural Appropriations Bill, subsequently passed by the House and signed into law by President Barack Obama late last month.

Since then it's ignited an advocacy firestorm, with 250,000 people signing a petition opposing the provision and Food Democracy Now network organizing a protest at the White House last week. Critics -- including members of the tea party -- have expressed dismay, not only at the provision's contents, but at the secretive way in which the biotech rider was introduced."

Lucia Graves reports for the Huffington Post April 2, 2012.


"The Controversial Monsanto Protection Act" (Aljazeera)

"Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Disavows 'Monsanto Protection Act'" (Salon)

"How the Monsanto Protection Act Snuck Into Law" (Salon)

"The Monsanto Protection Act? A Debate on Controversial New Measure Over Genetically Modified Crops" (Democracy Now!)

"Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act" (InfoWars)

"Petition Urges Obama To Veto CR Over 'Monsanto Rider'" (E&E News PM ($): 3/26/13)

"Food Safety Groups Sound Alarm Over Gmo Rider In Senate CR" (E&E Daily ($)/Amanda Peterka: 3/14/13)

"Monsanto Provision Tucked in Spending Bill Draws Critics" (Bloomberg)

Source: Huffington Post, 04/03/2013