Trump Admin Sues California Over Cap-And-Trade Agreement With Canada

"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration took aim Wednesday at one of California’s premier climate change policies, suing the state for entering into a cap-and-trade agreement with the Canadian province of Quebec to lower fossil fuel emissions.

The lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice argues that California overstepped its legal authority by forging an agreement with another country designed to limit air pollution and climate-warming greenhouse gases. Only the federal government has this power, according to the suit. Also named as defendants are state’s top air quality regulator and the Western Climate Initiative, a nonprofit group California created with neighboring states to promote similar policies.

“The state of California has veered outside of its proper constitutional lane to enter into an international emissions agreement,” said Assistant Atty. Gen. Jeffrey Bossert Clark of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division in a statement. “California’s unlawful cap-and-trade agreement with Quebec undermines the President’s ability to negotiate competitive agreements with other nations, as the President sees fit,” Clark added."

Anna M. Phillips, Alexa Díaz, and Tony Barboza report for the Los Angeles Times October 23, 2019.


"Justice Dept. Sues California to Stop Climate Initiative From Extending to Canada" (New York Times)

"Trump Sues Calif. Over Cap-And-Trade Agreement" (Greenwire)

"Trump Seeks To Block California As Global Climate Leader" (AP)

Source: LA Times, 10/24/2019