"U.S. to Limit Petroleum Drilling on Habitat of Greater Sage Grouse"

"The Obama administration, aiming to keep a finicky, chickenlike bird called the greater sage grouse off the endangered species list, moved on Thursday to limit petroleum drilling and other activities on some of its wide-ranging habitat in the American West.

The move — which includes a collection of 14 land-management plans across 10 states — stems from a determination in 2010 by the federal Fish and Wildlife Service that the bird, a potent symbol of the West known for its flamboyant courtship strut, was in need of protection. Millions of the birds once ranged across the wild prairies, but their numbers have plunged far and fast, down to 150,000 from 400,000, environmentalists estimate.

The Fish and Wildlife Service has until the end of September to determine what, if any, additional protections the grouse needs. But while many environmentalists say the bird is threatened if emergency action against industrialization is not taken soon, business interests say that adding it to the endangered species list could stifle the development of vast energy resources in Wyoming and nearby states, including natural gas fields, coal mines and wind farms."

Clifford Krauss and Diane Cardwell report for the New York Times May 28, 2015.


"Endangered Species: Interior Unveils Final Federal Grouse Protection Plans" (Greenwire)

"There Are Only 400,000 Sage Grouse Left. Here’s the Government’s New Plan To Save An Awesome Bird" (Washington Post)

Source: NY Times, 05/29/2015