Climate Change

Document Leak Reveals Nations Lobbying To Change Key Climate Report

"A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying to change a crucial scientific report on how to tackle climate change. The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels."

Source: BBC News, 10/21/2021

U.S.’s Best Hope For Real Climate Policy Is Fizzling. What Happens Now?

"With just two weeks until global leaders gather in Scotland for the world’s biggest climate conference, the United States is about to let its leading proposal to cut emissions die in Congress."

Source: HuffPost, 10/21/2021

'Brown Recovery' Ends Hope Pandemic Stimulus Would Drive Climate Spending

"Governments in rich countries pledged last year to spend trillions of dollars to rescue their economies from the trough of the pandemic — and to channel that gusher of cash in ways that would aid the fight against climate change. The climate change strategy largely failed."

Source: Politico, 10/20/2021


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