Environmental Politics

"Dems Call For $1 Trillion Federal Investment In Infrastructure"

"House Democrats on Thursday called for $1 trillion in federal dollars for an infrastructure overhaul, a proposal that comes just days ahead of the announcement of President Trump’s long-awaited infrastructure proposal."

Source: The Hill, 02/09/2018

EPA Brings In Billions In Enforcement Fines — Most Stem From Obama Era

"The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday released annual data about how it is enforcing the nation’s environmental laws, saying it had racked up nearly $5 billion in criminal fines and civil penalties, as well as significant commitments from companies to clean up contaminated sites around the country."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2018

"The EPA Killed This Newspaper’s Funding. Was It Something They Said?"

"The Bay Journal, a monthly paper covering the Chesapeake Bay, isn’t the New York Times or CNN, and has so far avoided mention in the president’s Twitter feed. But the Bay Journal may be a casualty in the administration’s war on the media: the Journal recently lost its largest source of funding, in what its lawyers say was likely a violation of its First Amendment rights."

Source: WAMU, 02/08/2018

EPA’s Pruitt Asks Whether Global Warming ‘Necessarily Is A Bad Thing’

"As head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt has repeatedly questioned the scientific consensus that rising levels of carbon dioxide from human-fueled activity are warming the planet. He’s now taking a different tack: Even if climate change is occurring, as the vast majority of scientists say it is, a warmer atmosphere might not be so awful for humans, according to Pruitt."

Source: Washington Post, 02/08/2018

Idaho Stripped Climate Change From School Guidelines. Now It’s a Battle

"The political fight over global warming has extended to science education in recent years as several states have attempted to weaken or block new teaching standards that included information about climate science. But only in Idaho has the state legislature stripped all mentions of human-caused climate change from statewide science guidelines while leaving the rest of the standards intact."

Source: NY Times, 02/07/2018


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