
NOAA Data Portal Is a Great Home Port for Environmental Journalists

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database is as vast as the oceans the agency monitors and filled with information collected by a wide array of instruments operating above, below and on the water’s surface. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox delves into the NOAA Data Discovery Portal and takes a look at a new search tool that promises easier exploration of this treasure trove.

SEJ Publication Types: 
October 6, 2023 to October 10, 2023

ScienceWriters 2023

The National Association of Science Writers' annual event takes place this autumn in Boulder, Colo., hosted by the University of Colorado Boulder and the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. For those not attending in person, virtual sessions take place Sep 26-Oct 2.


Reporting Ocean Stories Is Key to Blue Literacy, Planetary Health

As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists publishing project focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at ocean-based solutions. In this special tipsheet, ocean scientist and science writer Juli Berwald offers a primer on the climate-related challenges and possibilities in the global ocean’s physics, chemistry and biology. Plus, check out an expanded toolbox with reporting resources and watch a recent SEJ webinar.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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