
January 2, 2024

DEADLINE: Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics

The intensive, fully funded FASPE Journalism program in professional ethics and ethical leadership takes fellows to Germany and Poland, Jun 21- Jul 5, 2024, to examine the actions and choices of German and international journalists in covering and supporting Nazi policies. Apply by Jan 2.


"Mirroring A Drop In Emissions, Mercury In Tuna Also Declines"

"For years, public health experts have warned against eating certain kinds of fish, including tuna, that tend to accumulate mercury. Still, tuna consumption provides more mercury to U.S. consumers than any other source. But recently, as industry cuts down on its mercury emissions, research has found mercury concentrations in some fish are dropping."

Source: Science Daily, 11/15/2016

"Donald Trump’s Pick For Interior Secretary Could Do A Lot Of Damage"

"President-elect Donald Trump is just starting to arrange the team that will advise him and implement his policy agenda. But the list of names that have been floated to fill the top job at the Interior Department includes many people who would slash environmental regulations."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/15/2016

Good News For Planet: Carbon Emissions Were Flat For 3rd Straight Year

"A world greatly concerned about how the election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president could stall global climate policy received a major dose of welcome news Sunday, when scientists published a projection suggesting that for the third straight year, global carbon dioxide emissions did not increase much in 2016."

Source: Wash Post, 11/15/2016

Corps Says Pipeline Construction Can't Continue Without Tribe Input

"The Army Corps of Engineers dealt a blow to the progress of the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline on Monday, saying in a letter that more analysis and discussion with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe is needed before construction can take place under the Missouri River."

Source: NBC News, 11/15/2016


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