Environmental Politics

Rex Tillerson Is Confirmed as Secretary of State Amid Record Opposition

"Rex W. Tillerson, the former chairman and chief executive of Exxon Mobil, was confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday in a 56-to-43 vote to become the nation’s 69th secretary of state just as serious strains have emerged with important international allies."

Source: NY Times, 02/02/2017

Lawmaker Wants To Ease Rules On Drilling In Natl Parks. Enviros Gripe

"It’s safe to say that Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.) is no friend of environmentalists. He boycotted Pope Francis’s speech to Congress in 2015 because the pontiff addressed climate change. ... But his latest move came as a surprise to many."

Source: Washington Post, 02/02/2017


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