Environmental Politics

Fear: "Kids Don’t Get A Second Chance" If Trump Cuts EPA Health Programs

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s advisory panel on children’s health gathered last week to consider a few items that had long been on its agenda: getting lead out of water, cutting pollution-related asthma, and educating doctors about toxins in toys."

Source: STAT, 02/09/2017

Trump Private Finance Plan for Infrastructure Worries Rural States

"President Trump’s promise to find $1 trillion for infrastructure ran headlong into the senior senator from Wyoming, who said on Wednesday that the White House plan to raise private money for roads and bridges wouldn’t do much to help his rural state."

Source: Washington Post, 02/09/2017

GOP Statesmen Propose Replacing Obama’s Climate Plans With A Carbon Tax

"A coalition of veteran GOP officials — including five who have either served as treasury secretary or as chairs of the Council of Economic Advisers — will meet Wednesday with top White House officials to discuss the prospect of imposing a national carbon tax, rather than using federal regulations, to address climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 02/08/2017

"Scott Pruitt Is Seen Cutting the E.P.A. With a Scalpel, Not a Cleaver"

"Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s pick to run the Environmental Protection Agency, is drawing up plans to move forward on the president’s campaign promise to 'get rid of' the agency he hopes to head. He has a blueprint to repeal climate change rules, cut staffing levels, close regional offices and permanently weaken the agency’s regulatory authority."

Source: NY Times, 02/08/2017


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