Enviros, Energy Companies Lobby Administration on Coming Methane Rule

"WASHINGTON — Environmentalists and energy companies are trying to influence the Obama administration’s plan for thwarting an oil industry practice of venting and burning natural gas at some wells.

Stakeholders on both sides of the issue — including the environmentalists who want tough new mandates and the oil producers who insist current regulations already deter the practice — are pressing their case in meetings with the White House Office Information and Regulatory Affairs. The agency is currently vetting an Interior Department proposed rule that would limit venting and flaring natural gas on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

While the office has up to 90 days to scrutinize proposed rules, the proposed methane mandates are expected to be released before international climate negotiations in Paris this December."

Jennifer A. Dlouhy reports for FuelFix October 21, 2015.

Source: FuelFix, 10/23/2015