"Interior: BLM To Suffer Major Staff Losses In Move West"

"The Bureau of Land Management appears poised to lose the majority of its Washington, D.C.-based staff as part of its plans to relocate out West next year, numerous sources both within and outside the bureau have told E&E News.

That could include dozens of employees in the departments that handle public lands planning, compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, management of hazardous materials, and oil and gas development on the 245 million acres BLM manages, according to multiple sources who asked not to be identified.

BLM notified 159 D.C.-based employees Nov. 12 that they were being relocated either to the new headquarters in Grand Junction, Colo., or to other state offices across the West (Greenwire, Nov. 13). The notifications gave employees 30 days — or until next week — to accept the relocation. Most employees have not formally notified the bureau that they will stay or leave."

Scott Streater reports for Greenwire December 3, 2019.

Source: Greenwire, 12/04/2019