Environmental Politics

Ignoring COVID-19 Link, EPA Leaves Lax Soot Standard in Place

As researchers are finding that soot and other forms of fine particulates in the air may actually make people more vulnerable to the coronavirus, the EPA decided earlier this month against tightening related standards under the Clean Air Act. The latest TipSheet explains why the decision matters, provides deeper context and offers story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Put Clean Energy At Heart Of Stimulus Plans: IEA's Birol"

"International Energy Agency Executive Director Fatih Birol said on Friday that governments should put renewable energy at the heart of economic rescue packages launched in response to the coronavirus outbreak to avoid a rebound in carbon emissions."

Source: Reuters, 04/27/2020

New Trump Nuclear Plan Favors Uranium Mining Bordering Grand Canyon

"Evergreen forests blanket the Grand Canyon's less traveled northern plateau, and the perfume of Ponderosa pine drifts down a creekbed to the bottom of the great redrock canyon. Downstream, the strangely blue waters of the Little Colorado River meet the main Colorado, coming from the southern plateau close to sacred places for indigenous people who have lived here for centuries. Both plateaus are also where mining companies want to unearth uranium."

Source: InsideClimate News, 04/27/2020

Oversight Dems Ask EPA For Briefing On Controversial Compliance Memo

"House Democrats are questioning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over a March memo in which the agency said it may not seek penalties against companies that don’t monitor their pollution during the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: The Hill, 04/27/2020

Trump Threatened To Fire Top CDC Doc For Sounding Virus Alarm In Feb.

"President Donald Trump threatened to fire Dr. Nancy Messonnier, a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after her blunt warnings about the severity of COVID-19 caused the stock market to plunge in February, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday."

Source: Business Insider, 04/24/2020

"Report Lays Out Plans To Save Sagging U.S. Nuclear Industry"

"The Trump administration laid out a road map today for bolstering the nation's struggling nuclear industry through far-reaching measures that range from requesting an initial $150 million investment to launch a federal uranium reserve to expanded mining on public lands."

Source: Greenwire, 04/24/2020


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